
Following God One Step at a Time

New Type of Bible

on August 12, 2016

For a long time, everyone read the King James Version of the Bible.  Then every now and then, another version would come out like the New King James version, the NIV and Today’s NIV, and many more.  Remember when The Message version came out? People ran out to buy this new Bible, because it was so easy to understand, and gave a fresh perspective to God’s Word.

Well, now there is a new type of Bible available!

NoteTakingBible Cover


 It is not the words that have changed, but how the words are presented.  This new type of Bible is part of the coloring books trend that are out now for adults.  I have one of these new Bibles, it is called “The Illustrator’s NoteTaking Bible”.  (It is in the HCSB version, Holman Christian Standard Bible.)

There are a lot of people who buy a notetaking Bible, so they can draw in it and make colorful pictures that help them see the meaning of God’s Word.  But face it, many people like me, have no artistic ability.  So here is an answer to that dilemma — This NoteTaking Bible has drawings already in the Bible, and all you have to do is color them in! Here is a page that I have colored.

NoteTakingBible Color

The other page has lines down the side, so you can write notes, or write out a favorite verse from that page.  This is very useful when doing a Bible study, and you don’t want to forget an important point.  The usual Bibles have no room for notes.  Below is a page in this Bible before any coloring or notes.

NoteTakingBible CloseUpBlank

As you may have noticed, the print is a little smaller than the usual Bible, to allow the extra space for coloring and notes, but because the print is in BOLD, it is very easy to read!

I already love this Bible!

It has great features, like a concordance to help you find Scripture with a key word in it like “angel”, or someone’s name like Adam or Barnabas.  There are several color maps in the back that show things like “the Migration of Abraham”.  That is something I had never seen before.  It was so interesting to see exactly where Abraham traveled to get to the place God sent him. Another color map shows the steps Jesus and his disciples took that last week leading up the crucifixion of Jesus.

I also like the page in the front called “God’s Plan for Salvation”.  It outlines how we get saved, and how God’s plan leads up to our salvation.  This page can clarify this process for Christians, and it can be used to explain it to a non-Christian who wants to learn about how Jesus can save them. It starts with How We Got Here – (quoting the book) People on this planet did not get here by some cosmic accident.  At creation, God said, “Let us make man in our image”. God created men and women and placed us here on the earth.  Then it takes you through all the way to How Will You Respond?The Bible says that “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord” will be rescued (Romans 10:13).

I can’t wait to read through this Bible and put important notes in it and color pages that interest me!

This Bible is going to make Bible study fun!

You can find this Bible (in tan) at Lifeway,, and Barnes and Noble. Some stores have it in purple also.

–>(This Bible is on sale right now 8-12-16 at all 3 locations, but I don’t know how long that sale will last.)

At Amazon, you can also buy a set of markers to color with. This is just one option for coloring. I used regular high lighters and color ink pens to do my coloring in the picture above.  They did not bleed through either.

I did receive this Bible free from the publisher through B&H/Lifeway Bloggers to do an honest review.  I think you will like this Bible as much as I do!

BH BlueBloggerBadge


8 responses to “New Type of Bible

  1. The Smiling Pilgrim says:

    I wish I could draw like that 🙂


    • What is cool about this Bible, you don’t have to draw, just color! A talented artist already did the drawing. I know I will never be able to draw like that, but God has given me other talents. God gave you some talents too. Someone else is thinking, I wish I could do that, like you can Pilgrim. God has blessed us all in different ways!


  2. allycarter1 says:

    That looks like such a great idea, but I only just got a new bible, but next time I need one I’ll bear this one in mind xxx


  3. Oh, too bad you already bought a new Bible. Darn. Definitely keep this one in mind. It is awesome! I am looking forward to using it for the next Bible study I do. Thanks for stopping by Ally!


  4. blikachuka says:

    looks interesting- like a combination of a study bible and the adult colouring books which everyone is into now 🙂


  5. […] 4.Most Awesome New Bible — “The Illustrator’s Notetaking Bible”! […]


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