
Following God One Step at a Time

Want To Celebrate Black History Month?

I found something worth doing —

a study on “The Sum of Us” by Heather McGhee, about

how racism affects all of us, and what to do about it.

You can join in on Zoom on 5 Tuesday nights at 7pm Central, 8pm Eastern,

starting Feb 28.

It is presented by Racial Awareness, Reconciliation & Engagement.

Registration is required for each week.

To register –> Click Here!

Of course I am registered, and I will be there.

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Do You Have Courage?


That would be my answer, sometimes I have courage.

You too?

Where do we find courage?

Is it in your mind?

Can you encourage yourself to have courage?

Is it in your heart?

Does love give you courage?

We probably can find some courage in those ways.

Where would God put our courage?

I believe our best source of courage is in the Holy Spirit inside us.

To me, that courage looks like a tall strong tree, with deep roots keeping it solid.

You can go to the Holy Spirit, and seek His courage.

He has the courage you need for whatever you are facing.

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What does your life depend on?

Does your life depend on your home?

Your job?

Your money?

Hopefully not, because those things are like sand.

They can be washed away in 1 storm, one closed business,

one fire, one stay in the hospital.

You don’t want 1 major event to wash away your life.

We can only depend on God.

Only God has the power.

Only God has the mercy.

Only God is always there with you.

You have free will, so you can turn from Him,

but it will be at your peril.

Call on the LORD.

He will strengthen you.

He will help you.

He will uphold you with His righteous right hand.

–>(Isaiah 41:10)

Many people lost their homes this fall due to hurricanes.

Sea walls were broken apart by waves. They did not hold.

The waves washed the sandy ground away.

The homes fell apart.

Please pray for the people who lost their home.

Pray for them to find a place to live.

Pray for them to get the financial help they need.

Pray that they know God and call on Him for help.

Pray that they take this tragedy as a wake-up call,

and turn to Him.

May we also learn from this tragedy.

before the next one hits.


What’s Your Happily Ever After?

Have you found your “happily ever after” yet?

I have, and it’s not my husband.

Even though we are happily married,

marriage is only “until death do us part”.

That’s not “ever after”.

My “happily ever after” is coming back for me,

and he is coming back for you.

Jesus Christ is coming back for us,

and we will be in Heaven with Him “happily ever after”.

I am looking forward to it with anticipation!

Every step we take as followers of Jesus Christ,

brings us closer to Him,

closer to our “happily ever after”.

Don’t stop now!

We are on our way!

Keep taking one step at a time until you get there.

Life is a journey on the way to “happily ever after”.


Are you troubled by the world?

I am troubled by many things in this world.

You might be too.

I was reading some blogs and listening to a podcast today.

I thought I would share something that was helpful to me.

This refers to the Gospel of –>John 14:1-6

Jesus is talking to His Apostles at the Last Supper.

In the first verse, Jesus tells them not to let their hearts be troubled!

(Ok, so I am already in trouble, because I am troubled.)

Jesus says instead, we should trust in God.

He also says that in God’s house there are many rooms.

Then He says, “I am going away to prepare a place for you.”

And, “I will come back… so that where I am you may be also.”

So, this is what these verses in John said to me today —

Don’t let your heart be troubled, Jesus is coming back for YOU!

He has a place for you to live in God’s house.

When we arrive in Heaven, I anticipate hearing “Welcome home!”

Here is 1 important piece of advice from Psalm 118:9 —

“It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in humans.”

Such good advice! Remember, God loves you.


Make kids a priority

Many kids and teachers are going back to school soon.

This is a good time to focus on kids.

Let’s make sure that every child has what they need.

Donate school supplies or a bookbag.

Volunteer to help in a classroom, or to be a tutor.

Pray for kids and teachers going back to school.

If you don’t have kids in school, pick a nearby school to pray for.

We need to keep kids safe —

If you work in a school, follow all safety rules.

Make sure doors are kept locked that need to be locked for security.

Go in and out the school’s main doors, even if it means walking further.

Drive extra slow near schools.

Stop at all crosswalks when children are present.

If you own a gun, keep it locked up so no one else can get to it.

Support efforts to ban assault weapons.

On July 29, the U.S. House passed the Assault Weapons Ban.

Now it should head to the Senate.

You can call your Senator and tell them you want assault weapons banned!

The Senate switchboard phone is 202-224-3121.

If you don’t know who your Senator is, find out at —




There is only one WayMaker, and his name is Jesus the Christ.

I have been reading Ann Voskamp’s new book “WayMaker”, and it is amazing!

Ann writes with so much honesty, using her life, and her lessons, to teach us.

She writes about addictions —

She asks… when life is hard, what comfort do you run to?

That is your addiction.

Then she says we can choose to run to God instead.

Every day we have the opportunity to move closer to God.

Ann talks about what she does to stay close to God each day.

One way is to list things you are thankful for each day.

Another way is to ask yourself —

How has God revealed Himself to me today?

I say that Ann has revealed Him to us through her book “WayMaker”.

I give Ann’s book “WayMaker”, not 5 stars, but 12 stars ************!

–>Click to look at it here.


Perhaps for Father’s Day…

(Perhaps for Father’s Day, you can pick 1 or several of these suggestions to do.

Most of them you can do whether your Dad is alive or not.

Some of them you can do even if you don’t get along with your Dad.)

Better than any gift you can buy —

Perhaps for Father’s Day, you can call your Dad and not talk about politics.

Perhaps for Father’s Day, you can say thanks to him for things he taught you.

Perhaps for Father’s Day, you can remember a day you enjoyed with your Dad.

Perhaps for Father’s Day, you can appreciate all his hard work for the family.

Perhaps for Father’s Day, you can forgive him his faults.

Perhaps for Father’s Day, you can tell him, “I love you, Dad”.

Happy Father’s Day!

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What Conquers Fear?

For all my life, I have struggled with fear.

I always thought I needed more courage and more knowledge.

At times I thought I needed more faith, or

for the Holy Spirit to fill me with courage.

I would pray for these things. I would pray for God to remove the fear.

Still I have fear.

Yesterday, I was once again listening to a Christian speaker talk about fear.

She said that God repeatedly in Scripture tells us “Do not be afraid”.

In Isaiah 41:10, God says, “Do not fear for I am with you.”

“Do not fear for I am with you.”

She repeated that several times, and I felt peace. I relaxed.

All of a sudden I realized that the opposite of fear is not courage,

It is PEACE.

When we are at peace, there is no fear.

In John 14:27, Jesus the Christ says, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.

I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled

and do not be afraid.”

You see, He says that His peace is not like worldly peace.

His peace allows us to not worry nor be afraid,

like the woman in the photo seems. She is peaceful. Not worried. Not anxious.

How is this possible to not fear?

In Philippians 4:7, Paul teaches, “And the peace of God,

which surpasses all understanding,

will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

We do not have to understand it, just have faith, and believe that it is true.

Further, Paul gives us something else to do (in verse 8), when we do not fear–

“Finally, believers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right,

whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—

if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think on these things.…”

I love this!

Without fear, without worry, there is time

to think about so many better things!

Nothing I haven’t heard before, but putting this all together,

helps me to see a way out of fear.

Now I shall see if I can follow through with this in my life going forward.

I hope this helps you deal with fear.

May God cover you and I in His peace tonight,

so we awaken peaceful and unafraid.


We Are Free!

Photo by Jacub Gomez on

God is such a wonder.

He gives us laws to live by, but when we mess up,

He forgives us.

God yearns for a relationship with us.

He gives us love, and beauty, and truth.

Our faith believes God’s truth.

God wants to dance through life with us.

Will we turn to meet Him?

God took human form to show us He is real.

He shared His truth and love and beauty with us.

He died for you and for me.

He made us children of God.

And then He rose from the grave, and was lifted into Heaven,

and He set us FREE!

We can freely choose to follow Him, to dance with Him,

and know what real freedom is.

Will you turn to meet Him?