
Following God One Step at a Time

One Word 2016

on January 3, 2016

Once again it is a new year.  It is time for some to make New Year’s resolutions.

For others, like me, we pick “One Word” to be our direction and focus for the New Year.

I usually pick my word near the end of December through prayer, and as I celebrate Christmas and remember the reason for the season, Jesus’ birth.  Then I will get several confirmations that this is the correct word for me, as it will come up over and over again.  It will show up in my prayers multiple times, and other people will bring it up in conversations with me, and in my reading and studying the word will come up again and again.  When you pick your “One Word”, look for these types of confirmations to assure you that you have chosen the right word.

In the past, here are words I chose for other New Years:

–In 2012 I chose “Joy”.  In 2013, I chose “Trust”.  (You can read that post here.)

–In 2014, my One Word was “Come”, as in “Come near to God, and He will come near to you.” (from James 4:8) (To read that post, go here.)

–Last year, I chose “Encouragement”.  (Go here to read that post.)

This year, my One Word for 2016 is “Re-Focus”.

Focus means to come together at one point.  Re-focus means my point is out of focus and needs fine-tuning to make the image sharp and clear.  This involves renewal and revival, both mean to make new, to bring back to a former condition.  We all were made in God’s image, and our former condition would have been like Adam and Eve before sin.

In Isaiah 57:15, God speaks of reviving the spirit and reviving the heart.  And in Isaiah 40:31, God says, “but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength.”

So, this year, I will be re-focusing on God, prayer, reading and studying the Bible, worship, and mission projects.   Focusing on these things will help me to revive both my spirit and my heart, and to renew my strength.

I will also continue what I started in past years by encouraging others, coming near to God, trusting God, and finding joy each day.  Each year the “One Word” becomes rooted in me.  It becomes a part of me, so it stays on through future years, and you can build on it.

Have you picked your One Word this year?  You can share it with us in the comments below.  It is interesting to see what word other people pick.

If you haven’t picked your word yet, you can use my past posts (with links above) to help you pick one.

So Happy New Year!  And may you all experience renewal and revival this year of our Lord, 2016!


18 responses to “One Word 2016

  1. Jerri says:

    Hi Janet. Thanks for commenting on my word for 2016 post. Re-focus is a great word. I love how you talked about revival and renewal, and I think we could all use some of that this year!


    • Thanks for looking in on my blog, Jerri. Yeah I agree that we all need revival and renewal right about now. People are scared of all the terrorism, but God still reigns. We need to remember we have hope in the Lord. All the best to you in 2016!


  2. Savurbks says:

    Hi! Instead of a word, I have picked a phrase for the year…Faith greater than fear. It can apply to many things in life, especially those areas in which trust in God is so very vital. Thanks for sharing your word- Happy New Year!


  3. I’ve found the previous words tend to become a part of me, too. I think your plan to re-focus is a great one. 🙂


    • Audra, yes, I think One Word sticks with me so much better than resolutions. And my One Word tends to be faith related, whereas past attempts at resolutions were more family related or physical like getting more exercise. One Word just works so much better for me. Thanks for checking out my blog.


  4. Jean says:

    I really like that word: re-focus. I like all your past word choices as well especially encouragement. I hope you find much happiness and renewed faith in 2016!


    • Thank you Jean, for the well wishes! I am looking forward to a year of re-focusing. I think it is going to help me get the important things done, like prayer and thankfulness and more writing.


  5. Carol says:

    Like you I feel like the one word becomes a part of me. This year I have chosen fruitful–keeping in mind that Jesus is the vine and we are the branches. Blessings as you begin the new year!


    • Wow! I think “fruitful” is a great word for 2016, Carol! I can just picture us as branches covered in fruit. I bet you will have a very fruitful year. Thank you for telling us about your One Word for this year.


  6. Re-focus. Great word! My one word for 2016 is “joy,” which in itself is a re-focus, after a couple of years of chronic pain, grief and loss. This is my first year to do a “one word” approach, but I like it! I will say, however, that in years past, I have asked for specific prayers for an entire year – like “to be more gracious” or “for me to be more kind” – and God has answered those. May He draw you closer to Him as you strive to re-focus your life in His direction. Happy New Year!


    • Well,Linda, one thing for sure, you will have a joyful New Year! Great word! I like the idea of praying the same prayer all year. I may try that with my re-focus One Word. Thanks for sharing your One Word with us. I love doing One Word each year! God is blessing you today.


  7. […] my One Word for 2016 is “Re-Focus”, my year so far has been about focusing on what is important.  Today I am […]


  8. […] wonder why I waste so much time, and why don’t I do what I enjoy more often? This fits in with my One Word for this year “Re-focus”.  It is also being more intentional with how I live my […]


  9. […] all the different parts of your life.  This book explains how to re-focus our lives.  My “One Word” for this year is “re-focus”.  It has been a year of wandering away from my purpose and priorities, and then pulling myself […]


  10. […] many of the sections in my copy.  I requested to review it, because it fits in with my One Word for 2016 “Re-focus”.  It is all about living your life on purpose for a purpose.  Sounds really good, […]


  11. […] of reviewing last year from step 1 of Lara’s blog, I was thinking about what would my >“One Word” be for next year?  (Every year I pick a word that will help direct my entire year.)  I thought of […]


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